Looking for a Career in CRM Optimization?

We deliver cutting edge solutions to our clients, and we're always an the lookout for top talent to help us deliver on the Amplify mission.

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The Amplify Advantage

As our company continues to grow, we are always looking for top-talent and friendly people who are happiest when continuously learning and being challenged, helping clients, and growing personally and professionally. A career with us is fun, empowering, entrepreneurial, and constantly challenging. Things move quickly in our industry and that’s all part of the journey. Amplify is an established Microsoft consulting partner that is focused on Dynamics 365 and Power Platforms. We look to take our entrepreneurial spirit where we partner and grow with each of our clients in transforming their business through tech. We work hard to create a fun and enjoyable place to work. Our main office location is in Winnipeg, Manitoba. However, as a tech-loving consulting company we’ve embraced the tools for working remote.

Why Work for Amplify

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Create Successful Partnerships

We focus on building strong relationships with each of our clients where we can transform their business with Microsoft Solutions

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Have Fun, Enjoy the Challenge

We are in a fast-moving industry with constant room for challenges and learning, we want to embrace and enjoy this!

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Support Each Other

We are a team that is honest and respectful where we can bring our authentic selves to work every day

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Develop and Grow

We strongly believe in and experience the concept of continual improvement, whether that is in personal development, professional growth, or technology adoption.

Open Opportunities


Senior CRM Developer



Solutions Team


Amplify Solutions Inc. is an equal opportunities employer

At Amplify, we don’t just accept difference — we celebrate it, we support it, and we thrive on it for the benefit of our employees, our products, and our community. Amplify is proud to be an equal opportunity workplace and is an affirmative action employer.